Monday, May 31, 2010

Cue the Nerves

Ok so I'm driving Miss 9 home from school today and she says "am I going to skating tonight?"

I've been sick, as has Miss 2 for over a week.  The weather has really turned cold and it's playing havoc with her asthma, I've got tonsillitis and some wicked virus..... so I try to diplomatically talk her out of it.

"well, how about we give it a miss.  It's cold, I'm not well" blah blah blah... and then she says.....

"oh I'm doing my test on Thursday"


I literally shrieked !! I knew I had put in the forms, but I had forgotten how long ago it was, and that the test date was looming.

You see, this is the test that she failed in November.  She is re-sitting on Thursday evening.  While I'm confident she'll do her best, I'm not sure whether she will pass.  This is her first step into the "big pond" of figure skating so to speak. She'll be at the very bottom of that pond, but she'll be IN the pond.

That means more money, more expensive entry costs for competitions (like one big one coming up next month, or is it the month after??).  Everything is BIGGER and BETTER once you make it into the big pond.  It's the stepping stone towards representing at State Championships and Nationals.

My wallet (and bank balance) need to be resuscitated, I'm sure they are in cardiac arrest just at the mere thought of the prospective costs involved with being a skater at this level.

Right-o then... best I get back to the more important things like taking up the hems on jeans and bedazzling costumes for the next skating competition!

Wish Miss 9 luck for Thursday if you happen to remember!

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