Monday, May 31, 2010

Cue the Nerves

Ok so I'm driving Miss 9 home from school today and she says "am I going to skating tonight?"

I've been sick, as has Miss 2 for over a week.  The weather has really turned cold and it's playing havoc with her asthma, I've got tonsillitis and some wicked virus..... so I try to diplomatically talk her out of it.

"well, how about we give it a miss.  It's cold, I'm not well" blah blah blah... and then she says.....

"oh I'm doing my test on Thursday"


I literally shrieked !! I knew I had put in the forms, but I had forgotten how long ago it was, and that the test date was looming.

You see, this is the test that she failed in November.  She is re-sitting on Thursday evening.  While I'm confident she'll do her best, I'm not sure whether she will pass.  This is her first step into the "big pond" of figure skating so to speak. She'll be at the very bottom of that pond, but she'll be IN the pond.

That means more money, more expensive entry costs for competitions (like one big one coming up next month, or is it the month after??).  Everything is BIGGER and BETTER once you make it into the big pond.  It's the stepping stone towards representing at State Championships and Nationals.

My wallet (and bank balance) need to be resuscitated, I'm sure they are in cardiac arrest just at the mere thought of the prospective costs involved with being a skater at this level.

Right-o then... best I get back to the more important things like taking up the hems on jeans and bedazzling costumes for the next skating competition!

Wish Miss 9 luck for Thursday if you happen to remember!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Miss 9!

Well, it had to happen soon enough... Miss 8 turned 9 !! So that means she is now fondly known as Miss 9. 

I think last year it was great being 8 (or so she reckoned) and this year it will be fine being 9! Who makes up these silly sayings? Who is it going to be fine for? Certainly not for me.

I still remember the day I was in labour like it was only yesterday.  I woke at around 4am with contractions which were strong enough to wake me from a deep sleep.  I remember thinking "I can't be having the baby today".   I would be 2 weeks overdue on the following day, and had an antenatal appointment that next morning - where it was discussed I would be induced if labour did not spontaneously occur.  

Being that I wanted everything just so, I had arranged an appointment for getting my hair dyed and cut.  I arrived at the hairdressers, with contractions around 5.5 minutes apart, and I remember my ever-so-gay hairdressers saying to me "your waters better not break on our bloody new white sofa" LOL.  Classic! 

I'd been primped and preened to within an inch of my life - my eyebrows and bikini line was waxed later in the day, all while I was wincing during contractions.  

I made it to hospital about 7:30pm that night.  I knew it was time to go when it hurt me to laugh - I was trying to make light of it, and we were at my mum and dads for dinner but I couldn't eat, and with every laugh, also came a punishing contraction!!  When I left in the car, my contractions were 2.5 - 3 minutes apart. I felt every damned bump in the road, even though for the most part, we were driving on the motorway.

Of course, when I arrived at the hospital and was admitted to the birth suite, my contractions all but stopped.  She has always been a stubborn child - not one to work by others rules.
She wasn't born until 8:35am the next morning! A whopping 28 hour labour.....  

I remember how teensy tiny she was. 6lbs 10oz.  She was all grey and alien looking - she had been stuck in the birth canal and finally after several hours of pushing, was extracted with the help of a ventouse.  Her head was cone shaped.  I was so damned tired that I fell asleep shortly after she was born, and I don't remember much past that. 

Anyway, Happy Birthday Miss 9!  I know you had a fantastic day today, and I look forward to seeing you blossom this year, as you do every year.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Well, it's been some time (okay, I admit, it's been a L-O-N-G time) between posts.

So much has been happening so I'll try and give you a quick run-down.  

I was very fortunate to be involved in the setting up of an Op Shop late last year.  It opened it's doors in August and we have been so blessed with many wonderful donations, and regular customers.  Business is booming - so much so that we had to expand into part of the shop next to us ... but that's a whole other post in itself!

Little Miss turned 2 ... Oh my goodness! Two! 2 is that age that someone just flicks the switch and they turn from fun to frightful!  I am very much hoping that the 2 year old behaviour only lasts about 3 or 4 weeks more (that's quite enough I think)... but the realist in me knows this is unlikely.

Miss 8 is due to turn 9 on Sunday.  She has had a wonderful time since I last blogged.  Although, I might add she did also have a bit of a nightmare time just around November, when she took a test for skating that she didn't pass.  She was devestated.  Coach wanted her to re-sit the test in December, but we actually have pushed it out this far.  So she will be doing the test again next month.  Fingers Crossed she passes with flying colours this time.

She happened to get the opportunity to go to Bali just recently.  Without me! Yes, I let her go overseas on her own without her mum & dad.   No, she really wasn't on her own, she was with her great Aunt & Uncle.  Of course she had a wonderful time, but in true 8 yr old fashion, when asked what the best part of Bali was on her return, she answers "the pool at the hotel"... sheesh I could have let you just go to the pool here if I knew that was going to be the highlight of your trip!     With lots of probing however, I did find out that of course she didn't mean the pool was the best bit - it was patting a 12 month old tiger cub!! {I was so jealous just hearing that}   But she did make some wonderful friends at the pool, and got some email addresses, so no doubt she will be hassling me with lots and lots of requests to use the computer so she can email her friends.