You can always tell the end of school holidays. They pretty much always end up in some sort of meltdown. Sometimes by me. Most of the time, Miss 8.
This kid needs the interaction with other kids. I used to joke to her gymnastic coach that when holidays were on, she'd be bouncing off the walls because she wasn't expending the amount of energy she normally would. But it's so true. She goes stir crazy. CRAZY CRAZY!
I've just had a phone call from mum to say she's had a meltdown there. She wants to come home NOW. I am not about to go and get her, so she's just going to have to wait.
I really can't wait for school to be back tomorrow.
There have since been two more meltdowns this afternoon and tonight. DH took the light bulb out of her bedroom light, because she wouldn't hurry up and turn off the light for bed. School starts back tomorrow and at 9:11pm Miss 8 was still farting around ....
Lord give me strength!!

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