Sunday, August 19, 2012

how time flies....

I can't believe but it's been 2 years since I posted here. Weird.

So much has changed since then. For starters Miss 9 is now Miss 11 (can you believe it!).  
She is smart, funny, intelligent, challenging, talented, musical, a gymnast and a ballerina all rolled into one. She is a gallon of crazy in a half a gallon cup.  Some days she totally does my head in, like I think most tweens do.

Anyway enough about Miss 11.

One thing you might notice in that paragraph that she is not, is an ice skater.... yep that's right.  So not long after my last post Miss 9 broke her arm.  It was a really nasty break and she was in plaster for 8 weeks.  It took her a long time to get back her confidence, and, it was around that time that a whole heap of nastiness started happening at the rink.  You know, one mum who just thinks the own the place spurs on their kids until it becomes an all out cat fight,.  Yup, I went to this one event that I was invited to where the "ex president" of the skating club barked condescendingly at the host "I know who she is" when the host tried to introduce me.  It was, put quite simply, one of those defining moments in my life - when I realised that people really do not grow out of high school bitchiness.  The skating rink became an increasingly toxic environment to be around.  And not good for a child at all.

In the end we tried switching to another club, but as luck would have it, some of the other members had also defected to that club, and we still had the "clique" parents who would belittle and speak down to anyone other than their children.  The backstabbing was immeasurable and really, it was

The straw that broke the camels' back was when Miss 9 skated her absolute best performance, and still placed last, despite others in her division having fallen.  I guess that's the problem, it's such a subjective sport.

In any case, she has found her feet and has dived head first into Gymnastics again (which she had not done in some time prior to breaking her arm) and is loving it.  She does Artistic Gymnastics and Tumbling and it's a whole lot of fun for her to be doing.  She has also taken a more enthusiastic leap into dancing - both Jazz and Ballet.

Next year she will probably need to make a decision on what she wants to concentrate on though, because like with any sport, both are requiring an increasing number of hours per week.

Miss 2 is now 4 years old.  She is a gregarious girl with a lovely demeanour (most of the time LOL). She is such a personality and has the funniest sayings.  I am constantly on facebook commenting about stuff she's said that makes me laugh!

Just this past week we enrolled her into Prep.  Prep is the first year of schooling where we live and the school which Miss 11 goes to is quite sought after, so we were concerned we would not get in.  Luckily for us, she got in so our girls will attend the same school for one year (first and last).  Both girls are really looking forward to that.

So, apart from a hideous bout of the flu that has been going through the household, life is pretty good here.

I hope to take the time to write updates a little more often now I can remember the password to my blogger account PMSL!

Catchya later

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